LA Movement Amazing Race for the GFA

Good Friday Appeal 2025

Give for the kids!

Our annual AMAZING RACE for the Good Friday Appeal is the best event on the LA Movement calendar. Last year we raised an amazing $5,400. Let’s beat that this year!!


Larn and other members of LA Movement have witnessed first-hand how incredible the Royal Children’s Hospital is. No words will ever describe how grateful we are to the surgeons, nurses and all the staff. The RCH is one of the most amazing places- but I hope you personally never have to step foot inside.
Our Amazing Race isn’t just about raising money... it’s about giving back.

I‘ve created this page because I want to make a difference to the lives of sick kids.

The Good Friday Appeal relies on the support of the community to raise funds to ensure that The Royal Children's Hospital is able to continue to provide world class care to patients and their families. From 2022 to 2023 at The Royal Children's Hospital: 90,260 patients presented to the Emergency Department, 50,345 children and young people were admitted to a ward, 407,563 children and young people attended an outpatient appointment, and 14,963 patients underwent surgery. So please help by giving whatever you are able to this fundraiser and help spread the word by sharing this page with your friends, family and networks. Thank you for your generosity, it means a lot!

with heart

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Online Funds raised over the years

$ raised since 2024